Biography / Biografija

Mia Grozdanić (Pula, 1987) is a prominent musician of extraordinary musicality, as evidenced by her collaboration with the eminent Croatian composer Davor Bobić, who dedicated three works to her. She premiered two of those works (The Seasons and Tears of St. Lawrence) with the Zagreb Soloists chamber string orchestra. She is also one of the most successful accordion pedagogues in Croatia.

She completed her accordion studies at the Faculty of Philology and Arts (Filološko-umetnički fakultet) in Kragujevac (Serbia) with the highest grade, and her master’s degree studies at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki (Finland), also with the highest grade. She studied in the class of Vojin Vasović, Mika Väyrynen and Matti Rantanen, world-renowned pedagogues of this instrument. She also worked with Elsbeth Moser, at the University of Music, Drama and Theater (Hochschüle für Musik, Theater und Medien) in Hannover (Germany). Mia completed her arts PhD studies at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac (Serbia) with the thesis entitled Comparability and compatibility of The Seasons by P. I. Tchaikovsky and D. Bobić, under the mentorship of mr Vojin Vasović and dr Nevena Vujošević.

She has recently released her first studio album P. I. Tchaikovsky: The Seasons op. 37a which is available on most digital platforms.

During her schooling she won about twenty first and second prizes in competitions, among which the following stand out: first prize at the national competition Državno natjecanje učenika i studenata glazbe i plesa (Rijeka, Croatia, 2002), first place and first prize at international competition Fisa…armonie (Trieste, Italy, 2004), first prizes at the international competition Susret harmonikaša (Pula, Croatia, 2007 and 2008) and first prize at the international competition The World of Accordion (Castelfidardo, Italy, 2013). Among the prizes won as a professional musician, the golden medal with high distinction for her performance in Manhattan International Music Competition stands out (2022).

Besides her collaboration with Davor Bobić, she cooperated with composers Damir Bužleta and Dražan Kosorić. She premiered pieces written for accordion solo, accordion and string orchestra and chamber music ensemble (saxophone, marimba and accordion).

Among numerous performances, the concert with Croatian Chamber Orchestra conducted by Chief Conductor Miran Vaupotić and the solo concert at Accordionfest in Tallin (Estonia) need to be mentioned, as well as solo concerts at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki (Finland), Music Academy in Zaragoza (Spain), Istrian National Theater (Istarsko narodno kazalište, Pula, Croatia), Great Concert Hall of the Croatian National Theater in Varaždin (Croatia) and 29th International Festival of Accordion Artists in Kragujevac (Serbia) with the City Chamber String Orchestra Schlesinger.

Mia started teaching during her studies. After graduation, she worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac (Serbia), Music Academy in Pula and music schools in Delnice and Rijeka (Croatia). She currently works at music school in Pula (GŠ Ivana Matetića-Ronjgova Pula). Her students are laureates of national and international competitions and some of them continued their education at world-renowned music academies.

Mia Grozdanić (Pula, 1987.) istaknuta je glazbenica izvanredne muzikalnosti što dokazuje suradnjom s eminentnim hrvatskim kompozitorom Davorom Bobićem koji joj je posvetio tri djela, od kojih je ciklus Godišnja doba i Suze Sv. Lovre praizvela sa Zagrebačkim solistima. Također, jedna je od najuspješnijih harmonikaških pedagoga u Hrvatskoj. Studij harmonike završila je na Filološko- umjetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu (Srbija) s najvišom ocjenom, a magistrirala na Sibelius Akademiji u Helsinkiju, također s najvišom ocjenom. Studirala je u klasi Vojina Vasovića, Mike Väyrynena i Mattija Rantanena, priznatih svjetskih harmonikaških pedagoga ovog instrumenta. Radila je i s Elsbeth Moser, na Hochschüle für Musik, Theater und Medien u Hannoveru (Njemačka). Umjetnički doktorat završila je na Filološko- umjetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu s temom Komparativnost i kompatibilnost Godišnjih doba P. I. Čajkovskog i D. Bobića, pod mentorstvom mr Vojina Vasovića i dr Nevene Vujošević.

Snimila je CD pod nazivom P. I. Čajkovski: Godišnja doba op. 37a, koji je nedavno objavljen na digitalnim platformama.

Tijekom školovanja osvojila dvadesetak prvih i drugih nagrada na natjecanjima, od kojih se ističu: prva nagrada na Državnom natjecanju učenika i studenata glazbe (Rijeka, 2002.), prvo mjesto i prva nagrada na međunarodnom natjecanju Fisa…armonie (Trst, Italija, 2004.), prve nagrade na Međunarodnom susretu harmonikaša (Pula, 2007. i 2008.), prva nagrada na međunarodnom natjecanju The World of Accordion (Castelfidardo, Italija, 2013). Među nagradama koje je osvojila kao profesionalna glazbenica, ističe se zlatna medalja „with high distinction” na šestom Manhattan International Music Competition (2022.).

Uz Davora Bobića, surađivala je i sa skladateljima Damirom Bužletom i Dražanom Kosorićem. Praizvodi djela pisana za solo harmoniku, harmoniku i gudački orkestar te komorni sastav (saksofon, marimba, harmonika).

Među brojnim koncertima izdvaja se nastup s Hrvatskim komornim orkestrom pod ravnanjem šefa dirigenta Mirana Vaupotića i solistički koncert na Accordionfest Estonia u Tallinu (Estonia), zatim koncert na Sibelius akademiji u Helsinkiju (Finska), na glazbenoj akademiji u Zaragozi (Španjolska), koncert u Istarskom narodnom kazalištu u Puli sa Zagrebačkim solistima, solistički koncert u Velikoj koncertnoj dvorani HNK-a u Varaždinu i koncert u sklopu 29. Internacionalnog festivala umjetnika harmonike u Kragujevcu (Srbija) uz Gradski komorni gudački orkestar Šlezinger.

Pedagoškim radom se počinje baviti još za vrijeme studiranja, a nakon završetka studija radila je kao asistentica na Filološko-umjetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu, Muzičkoj akademiji u Puli, GŠ Ive Tijardovića u Delnicama i GŠ Ivana Matetića Ronjgova Rijeka. Od 2018. godine radi u GŠ Ivana Matetića-Ronjgova Pula. Studenti i učenici s kojima radi su laureati državnih i međunarodnih natjecanja, a neki od njih su svoje školovanje nastavili na renomiranim svjetskim glazbenim akademijama.